For those who have passed the entry level CC exam, can you let me know if the online material provided by ISC is enough to study for the exam?
Are there any recommended books or supplemental material that can be used such as practice exams etc?
I just passed. So, to answer your question, yes, it is. Study the reading material and memorize the vocabulary Anything that you don't understand or want a better understanding of just YouTube it. But all in all, the material is enough, and it is easy to understand. The test itself will require you to fully understand the concepts outlined in the course material. Best of Luck.
according to me, the self paced study material provided is just to make things clear that what concept will be asked. In order to be confident to clear this exam i would recommend a udemy course designed by thorteaches.
he makes his student understand the concept to the depth and you will feel confident after completing his course.
Yes, his study guides and practice exams were quite helpful!
Hi all,
I just passed my exam today! Over the moon.
I was a little worried about it and before hand saw this forum discussion and to be honest made me a little bit more worried. Thought I'd share what worked for me (some of it already has been posted).
First I did the course training and would keep taking the post course assessment until I could consistently get 100%. So every day I would put some time aside to do this until comfortable.
Mike Chapple's LinkedIn learning was a brilliant help then after. The course took me a little longer as I took notes for each section so would need to pause and rewind. I think without the notes I wouldn't have learned as much and he covered items in great detail.
After I had my notepad with his course notes split by chapter I also combined all the glossaries from the end of chapters from ISC course into one document. (Included some diagrams too that were good from the end of chapter learnings).
Build up to exam I had my notepad and file with the glossary items and diagrams and would spend some time reviewing each day. For me works best to review before sleeping so I end up thinking about concepts as drifting off.
I think a key part of the exam is taking your time and reading the question clearly. Make sure you understand it fully before selecting an answer. And stay calm.
I wont lie. When I left the exam room I wasn't sure how I did as some questions stumped me, but it was a great relief to find out I passed.
Hopefully it goes well for everyone else here with exams coming up!
Please let me know how to pass