Please how was the networking part of the exam because that is where i found difficulty and did not reach competency i do not want to fail this exam somebody help me please
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I am happy to announce that I have passed the CC exam successfully. The online course was beneficial, but you should also consult other sources of information. I went for the "CC Certified in Cybersecurity" study guide by Mike Chapple. You can also try to practice with online CC quizzes available on the ISC2 website and other websites. Good luck
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I just passed the Certified in Cybersecurity yesterday. This forum had some helpful tips and resources I seen before taking the exam so I wanted to also share what I found helpful for me. I hope it helps someone and best of luck to everyone on their way to certification. I provisionally passed CC today! I have been casually studying for Sec+ and also have a service management cert ITIL but have no IT experience. I started with ISC2 CC free self paced material. Many have stated they didn't believe it was enough to pass alone so most would recommend using supplemental resources. These are the ones I found most useful. Sec+ study guide in case anyone is moving this direction. I can't attest to this making or breaking what I know but since I mentioned it, I wanted to link it. CompTIA Security+ Certification Kit: Exam SY0-701 (Sybex Study Guide) CC practice questions Prabh Nair short CC study course InfoSec Guardians Everlast Cyber Mental Outlaw ports explained TCP/IP model And I also watched several videos on YouTube of the OSI model explained but accidentally didn't save the links. And very helpful practice questions on Udemy by Paulo Carreira and Andree Miranda
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An open discussion forum for those studying for the ISC2 Certified in Cybersecurity℠ an entry-level certification. Please adhere to all Community Guidelines regarding usage of this group.