For those who have passed the entry level CC exam, can you let me know if the online material provided by ISC is enough to study for the exam?
Are there any recommended books or supplemental material that can be used such as practice exams etc?
@otter325 its very weird that we have to use external sources for the test. I feel like isc2 should have everything we need for it
Watching the videos and using the flash cards provided by ISC2 may suffice for some people depending on their prior knowledge. All I can say is that I myself found Thor's study guides - and (now that I think of it) especially his practice exams - to be very helpful.
If you are scoring close to 100% on the assessment, you may pass the actual exam.
To get a better idea of how you would do, I suggest you buy Thor Pedersen's CC course on Udemy and take the practice tests. If you obtain high scores on those tests, you should do fine. Otherwise, I would recommend you download all off his study guides (also available in that course) and learn any new material before sitting the exam. Btw, I do not receive any fees for recommending Thor's course; I just found his materials to be excellent. Best of luck!
Hi, I am interested to know how your exam preparation went. Could you share your experience, please? I am going through the CC online self-paced course, and want to write the exam soon.
How long did this take you before the exams