Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
@christpl Please email with your member ID and your question with supporting information so someone can assist you. Thanks!
Thank you for the reply. I have already emailed them but have not heard back. Just trying all avenues in hopes for success. I do not want to lose this cert.
How many days were there between the end of your cycle and you entering the missing CPEs?
If it was less than 90 then you should be fine as you get a 90-day grace period to enter your CPEs after the cycle has ended.
The fact you were able to enter the CPEs suggests you were in that grace period so should be ok.
Check the CPE Handbook for further details.
It expired 31 Aug. I entered the CEPs today. Fingers crossed it can be reversed.
You need to call Member Services ASAP:
Call them and keep calling until you get a response. Leaving a voicemail is subject to the same delays of at least a couple of weeks as sending an email and you're close to being decertified!
Thanks. On the phone with them now.
Just got off the phone with member services. Since I loaded all my CEPs earlier today, the rep now sees my account in good standing. The issue is the Verify Certification or Designation website that my employer utilizes to verify is showing expired. The rep said he will open a ticket to figure out what the issue is. Any advice?
What does the official ISC2 verification website say?
If everything is correct on there maybe ask your employer to use that instead?
Failing that, you'll need to wait for Member Services to resolve your issue.
The official ISC2 verification website list it as expired as of Aug 31, 2019, but when I log in my account it show active until Aug 2022. I was told they are now looking into it. Thanks for all the help/feedback.