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Newcomer II

Cannot access Free for (ISC)² Members professional development courses

I can't seem to access the free for members courses located here:


If I click "Add To Cart", it wants me to pay. If I log into the site and try to enroll in one of the courses (e.g., the page at, and click "Free for members", it redirects me to the LMS page ( but no courses appear.


I've tried emailing member support about this, but have not received a response. I tried contacting D2L support via their web chat, and they said they would have to escalate the issue to (ISC)² support. So I have no idea how to get access to these courses. Any help would be appreciated.

82 Replies
Newcomer I

@jmg157ok, thank you for your feedback, glad for you that this works.

Newcomer I

@Kaityit seems, we're a few having the same problem.

Can you tell us if there is any work being done to fix this?

Thanks a lot.

Community Manager

Hello all,


I was out on PTO last week and yesterday, so if you've messaged me or tagged me, please be aware I'm catching up on things and will work with the support team to get your issues to the correct team. 


Thank you! 

Viewer II

 I am having also same problem @Kaity. Is there any permanent solution so far ? Thanks.

Community Manager

Hi all!


As a reminder, access to the free courses can take up to 10 days after your certification starts. If you're a new member, please make sure you've waited the 10 days before reaching out for help. If you've been a member, though, please do reach out to with your ID for help. Screenshots are helpful 🙂 


Thank you!!

Community Champion

Hi Kaity,

Is the ten days a mandatory cooling period because of policy, or is it more of a practical operational thing to allow for provisioning/authorisation etc?

Viewer II

Try to login here. it may help you
Newcomer I

Just found by accident: This link works:

If you go through the professional development page, and for example go to "cloud-security"
The link will not work. Hope they fix the website soon.
Reader II

almost one month since i got CC certificate and till now i can't access courses.

Community Manager

Hi @amrzaki - thanks for tagging me. I see there's a case in our system and this is being worked on. I've just followed up with the manager in our service team to find out about an update.