I looked all over and I cannot seem to be able to find where to download the updated logos.
Anyone have any ideas?
Re: (ISC)² is now ISC2 - Page 2 - ISC2 Community
Maybe I'm just missing something, that is about the branding guidelines, and when it mentions download, I just don't see it. In the other thread the last post mentioned extracting, but that seems more like maybe a cut and paste...
We used to be able to just download the actual logos and use them, is that no longer that case?
Here is the page to find ISC2 Logo & Guidelines:
@AndreaMoore I must be loosing it! I have gone over this page before and looked again. I look in "Logos Downloads & Usage" and see everything on usage but nothing on actually downloading. What am I missing?
Don't think you are missing anything. I think the website is missing a link.....well I can't find it either.
Dear @AndreaMoore,
I - as well as several others - went through the branding guidelines in the policy you linked to. However, perhaps there's a miscommunication here. In the past we could download jpg and png files with the logos as images for use on business cards and other professional artifacts. As an authorized ISC2 Instructor, I use them quite a bit but I don't see a link like that in the guidelines, or anywhere else. The policy document is a pdf file. While it contains illustrations, it does not have a link to download said illustrations as images.
Perhaps the link is buried in there and I'm simply missing it; kindly advise.
Please see this line on the https://www.isc2.org/policies-procedures/member-policies page:
Download a .zip file with a print and web version of the ISC2 logo. To access and use other ISC2 certification logos and/or other ISC2 product logos use the following contact information to obtain the files and permissions:
I see jpg and png files in the digital use folder.
@JKWiniger wrote:
@AndreaMoore Are there ones per certification like in the past? Aka CISSP?
I see it says: "To access and use other ISC2 certification logos and/or other ISC2 product logos use the following contact information to obtain the files and permissions: legal@isc2.org"
I suggest that you send that inbox an email and specify your needs and why.