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Community Manager

Introduce Yourself!

Hello everyone,


New to the community? Have a question? Or just want to tell us a little about yourself? Feel free to do so in this thread.

Jayda Shriver
Volunteer & Member Engagement Manager
199 Replies
Contributor I

I am Bayo Olushola Omoyiola, PhD. Lovely community. Keep it up

Reader I

Greetings community.

My name is Alan, and I earned my CISSP in April, 2017 as the final requirement for my Masters Degree from Eastern Michigan University. I've worked in information technology and information security in some capacity for 8 years, and electronic repair for a number of years before that.

I'm currently working as a government contractor working to improve the security posture of the client. They don't like us publicly posting the agency we work under, but I'll give you the hint that HIPAA is our primary concern.

I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone and helping this community grow.
Viewer II

Hi, I'm Ron Mendell, and I am a CISSP. Currently, I work as a Faculty Member at Western Governors University in the College of Information Technology. Instructing there since 2016, I teach Information Security Courses ranging from Cyberlaw to preparing students for the SSCP exam. And, I hold a Masters degree in Network Security from Capitol Technology University in Laurel, Maryland.


My main interest is in the psychology of Information Security with regard to social engineering and the victimology of users online.


I've written numerous articles on security and Investigation for Security Management Magazine and for The ISSA Journal. Moreover, I have several books on those topics. My latest two books are How To Do Financial Asset Investigations (fifth edition) and The Devious Counselor: A Dialogue on Information Security.


Please check out my author's page at

I look forward to interacting on this forum.

Newcomer II

Good Afternoon,


I just received my CISSP certification back in October. I was going to start a HipChat for members in case they want to chat real time. Let me know what you think. 


I'm happy to be a part of this community. 

Newcomer I

Hi All,

I'm a senior software engineer in a cyber security company with about 5 years of experience in the security business. I have been in the IT business for more than 10 years and just started planning to improve  professionally with a CSSLP cert.


Looking forward to being an active member!



Newcomer I

Welcome and Congratulations on your CISSP. The idea of IM is a good one, let me know when/if you want me to test it before release 🙂 Thanks, Sreeman

Contributor II

Hi everyone,


I am the Cyber Technologies Officer and Information Security Manager for the Israel Airport Authority.


With over 19 years in the data security field, 29 years in the computer field, and almost 21 years at the airport.


I helped design the data security systems for the new airport built in 2004, and am assisting in the integration, testing and security design for systems in the new airport (Ramon) currently being built down South.


I have helped design, integrate and install dozens of security systems of all kinds, all aimed at enhancing and enforcing the security of the airport and it's information base, as well as assisted in the integration of physical security systems, biometric identification systems and additional systems which give all round coverage.


Although we have a fair amount of systems of various types, we are not quite there yet and there are still a few areas where we are planning to upgrade and integrate new systems. In my job as Cyber CTO, I test new systems and approve the use of mechanisms that are necessary for the enhancement of the complete protection cover.


I am also one of the lead figures in dealing with the Israeli version of the NSS in regards to airport based mission critical infrastructures, designing security processes, remote control methodology, third party support systems, and the integration of solution for mobility both for the public and for employess of the airport.


If it is stored somewhere, moves over communication lines in some form, and can be manipulated, and connected to us, then I am there to ensure it can't be, along with a team of experts.


I am a CISSP from around 2004, was one of the first in Israel, and am a strong advocate of ISC2 as a whole.


Sadly, after coming to quite a few ISC2 conferences over the years, the airport management has decided it will no longer fund conferences, and so I was unable to come to the last, and can't tell when I will be able to come to a next. To me that's a great loss as I enjoyed the interactions, the educations as well as meeting new people.


I have been married for 23 years, have a lovely daughter who is turning 20 in May, and a son of 16 who suffers from severe Cerebral Palsy. I can tell you that nothing teaches you about life and it's challenges like being gifted with a son of special needs. It's more challenging then my work, and every minute, be they hard or easy, is a gift which I cherish. Both my children are the rock around which everything else spins.


I am open to meeting new people, having intelligent discussions and fun times. Or sleeping. I can never get enough sleep.


I am also, although not a lawyer, very conversant in legaleeze in regards to the Israeli law concerning data, privacy etc. I am currently teaching myself GDPR as we will soon have to adhere to it in some respects.


In my spare time (The little that I have) I am a Sci-Fi fanatic, have a huge collection of books (currently over 3,000) some of which are first edditions, I read a lot (usually two or three books at a time), enjoy horror, historic and Batman comics (which I also collect), I am a registerd dressage instructor and love horses (sadly not being in touch with that due to a lack of time) and most animals and have 4 dogs (If it was up to my wife and daughter we would have more). I am at the start of building a new home up north which will be easier on my son as it will have in indoor heated pool and he loves to swim. I enjoy DIY and have actually built stuff that doesn't fall down.


And that's about it really, or enough that it allows me to leave some space to talk about if we ever meet.


Good to be here, and look forwards to contributing if I think there's a need.




Mike Glassman, CISSP
Iguana man
Community Champion

Hello everyone,


Shannon here; I hail from India & have mostly been working in the Gulf; my current post being that of Information Security Officer.


So far as (ISC)2 goes, I'm definitely a newcomer, having earned my CISSP in 2016. I've been in the field since 2007 --- and while none of my earlier roles were dedicated to IT Security, I got to see a lot of it nonetheless, & grabbed the CEH, CompTIA Security +  & some other certifications along the way.


I'm glad to be a part of this community, and look forward to interacting with you all & contributing where / when I can.


P.S. I'll plead guilty to reaping the benefits of everyone's contributions, now itself...  Smiley Wink






Shannon D'Cruz,
Community Manager

Community Manager
