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Community Champion

Cyberattack Rate Surges as Novel Malware Growth Accelerates

Hi All


The rate of cyberattacks is rising as the threat level continues to evolve, according to BlackBerry Limited’s latest Global Threat Intelligence Report.

In the first quarter of 2024. BlackBerry detected 3.1 million cyberattacks — around 37,000 per day and the report noted during this period, BlackBerry identified 630,000 malicious hashes, representing a 40% increase from the previous reporting period.

More than eight in 10 (82%) of the attacks recorded by BlackBerry targeted the United States, while more than half (54%) of these attacks contained new previously unobserved malware.





5 Replies

The surge in cyberattack rates parallels the risks of downloading Clash of Clans Mod APKs. As novel malware grows, downloading mods from untrusted sources can expose devices to security threats. Players should prioritize safety by using reliable platforms, just as cybersecurity measures are crucial to combat rising cyber threats.

Community Champion

My bet is that 3,1 million is actually low.  A number of corporations prefer not to report incidents and try to deal with them internally.




Newcomer III

Yes, cyber-attacks that are disruptive in nature are on the rise. We are seeing the same with our annual HIMSS healthcare cybersecurity survey over the years. Disruption of business operations, disruption of IT operations, etc.


Lee Kim

ISC2 board of directors candidate

Community Champion

@dcontesti @leekimjd @lewis55 There is a great deal of under reporting going, possibly to overcome reporting mandates, but also we are seeing slewed statistics which quite plainly do not make sense - changing categories to ensure they are not registered under cybersecurity for instance.





The rate of cyberattacks has surged dramatically, driven by the rapid acceleration in the development and deployment of novel malware for cheats. This growth in malicious software, characterized by increased sophistication and the ability to evade traditional security measures, has led to a significant rise in successful cyber intrusions.