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Community Champion

What are the dangers Generative AI currently poses?

Hi All


Researchers from Google's DeepMind, Jigsaw, and units are warning us in a paper that Generative AI is now a significant danger to the trust, safety, and reliability of information ecosystems.

From their recent paper, "Generative AI Misuse: A Taxonomy of Tactics and Insights from Real-World Data":

"Our findings reveal a prevalence of low-tech, easily accessible misuses by a broad range of actors, often driven by financial or reputational gain. These misuses, while not always overtly malicious, have far-reaching consequences for trust, authenticity, and the integrity of information ecosystems. We have also seen how GenAI amplifies existing threats by lowering barriers to entry and increasing the potency and accessibility of previously costly tactics."

And they admit they're likely *undercounting* the problem. We're not talking dangers from some fictional near-to-medium-term AGI. We're talking dangers that the technology *as it exists right now* is creating, and the problem is growing.

What are the dangers Generative AI currently poses?


Well worth reading in-depth.







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