> mgorman (Contributor I) posted a new topic in Tech Talk on 11-06-2019 04:01 PM
> http://whythefuc*wasibreached/ Link text modified to meet community
> requirements, because we're apparently 12, and get in trouble for using "bad
> words."
The dreaded "community" pr0n filter strikes again! Apparently someone has also
installed it at my ISP, since I couldn't get through the first time I tried. (Or maybe
the site is just busy. Profanity aside, it *is* kind of hilarious ...)
====================== (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rslade@vcn.bc.ca slade@victoria.tc.ca rslade@computercrime.org
Hot flashes. Loss of fertility. Increased irritability. `The
change.' Congratulations, humanity: You've given Mother Earth
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