Please have the Community site contractor modify the default option when inserting links to Open in new page instead of the current Open in current page default. Community members are more likely to want to see the linked pages as supplements while continuing reading the posts and threads, than to leave the community site to see the linked pages.
Thank you.
@CraginS, I wish I'd observed that too --- all this time I'd been simply creating linking other pages assuming that they'd open up in new page, and I've just realized that isn't the case...
I wonder if it would make sense for an additional board / location to be created for any posts relating to reporting bugs or making changes to the site, perhaps under Member Support itself...
Thank you for bringing this up, @CraginS. I am working with our vendor to see if we can implement this behavior on the Community - I definitely agree that opening in a new window would be the preferred method.
Hello everyone,
This change is on the Community. When inserting links the default is to open in a new window. You can still choose to have them open in the same window; however, in order to do so you will need to change the setting in the window that appears.
If you have any questions, please let me know.