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Community Champion

CPE Portal Issues Post Maintenance Work 23rd-24th Oct 2020

I'll drop the Support team an email when I get a chance tomorrow just in case these issues are specific to my account, but wanted to check if anyone else had noticed any issues since the very recent maintenance work?


When I look at the CPE portal right now:


  1. I note the order my certs are listed in is no longer chronological.
  2. Some of the icons have changed and are now are no longer consistent in size.
  3. All of the individual CPE entries are missing from the current transcript for each cert.
  4. The headline figure for the total of CPEs earned is incorrect (70 fewer than it should be for each cert) but that was also the case prior to maintenance - I was hoping the maintenance might have actually fixed that issue!






In terms of point 2 look at the size difference of the ISSAP icon compared with the ISSEP and ISSMP, and the CISSP icon compared with the CCSP and CSSLP - it just makes the page look really amateurish.


While all of these issues are just minor annoyances for me, mostly as I do have a backup transcript from a couple of months ago which has all but the 70 CPEs that are missing, and I have all the evidence for all CPE submissions, so I have no concerns about proving I have fulfilled the CPE 3-year cycle requirements, it's just really sloppy work from the maintenance team - very disappointing 🙄 @brucebeam 


2 Replies

Hi Alec..seconding your disappointment.  My CISSP CPE status is showing different results depending on how I view status leading me to be unsure as to where I stand.  ISC is a highly regarded organization but their website does not live up to that same high standard.

Contributor II

@AlecTrevelyan and @pjk Sending you private messages.

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