My certifications are active, yet they show expired on Credly. How can this be fixed?
Hello Suzy,
Please contact member support at +1.866.331.ISC2(4722) or email
We will be more than happy to assist you with your inquiry regarding your Credly badge.
John Austin
Manager, Global Customer Experience
It’s now more than a year since this problem’s been happening. Why hasn’t it been fixed? My LinkedIn link to Credly verification is showing “expired” as well. I may have lost interview opps due to this. Why hasn’t ISC2 at least emailed members giving all a heads up on this? Why the silence? I’m pretty sure this is happening to many people (they just haven’t clicked on the verification link or haven’t added it).
I have the same problem, my CISSP certificate is "expired" in my Linkedin profile according to Credly.
I think you should fix this problem with Credly.
Thank you,
I have the same issue on my CISSP badge as well
I did and the issue solved. thanks!