Well, we've talked about mispeling ethical principals, and the ethics of protests, but the New York Times has an interesting opinion piece on the need for ethics in technology companies at large.
Let’s face it --- while CISSPs are bound to hold up the code of ethics, they aren’t always enforced to do so by legal organizations, and so their boundaries will vary with the environment.
An example: Jack is a CISSP, holding an executive position in a business-driven organization that offers IT Solutions & Services. Should Jack want to veto or implement any major process, the final decision falls to a board of directors. When presenting business cases with a cost-benefit and risk analysis, he has to keep in mind that the directors won't consider morality in place of money.
Assuming he can link his cases to other factors that impact the business --- say, legal implications --- he might get heads to turn; otherwise, no.
If he's too strong an advocate of ethics & it doesn't appeal to the directors, they may decide to let him go, & should this happen, there’s no guarantee he’ll be able to find a new post with equal / higher benefits.
Of course, he’ll probably have better luck if he's employed by (ISC)2
Before you ask to what level I stand up for ethics in my organization, let me tell you that it's in KSA...
Google didn't fully retire that slogan, they simply dropped the 'don't', as it was considered too negative...*
For senior leadership fights on ethics one can look at the debacle in Yahoo:
I realize that a lot of linkspam... so my take on it as a TL;DR is that the leadership was bent out of shape and didn't feel the Solyent Green required it's information to be protected, at least not having actual money spent on it. It's telling on a few fronts that a CEO would publicly signal that 130 hour work weeks are possible and can be managed (yes they are, they are not good and an ethical CEO probably wouldn't put the idea out there) , and frankly it will distort your moral compass, and you might start hallucinating), the head of legal took the fall for it and all that happened to the CEO was lost compensation, I do wonder if we will see more accountability in the world of GDPR and the FTC sharpening it's claws.
* I realize I may have used this line before, but jokes should be considered consumer durable for as long as you can get away with it due to ethical concerns about the heavy environmental impact of joke creation...