Basically a series of open questions. Any thoughts post pandemic?
Just mulling what testing may look like when we get going again. Part of my professional development requires me to finish a couple of Azure exams this year which is when I started thinking about testing centers. Some how I think Dante himself would smile at what I imagined.
Love to hear your thoughts as well,
- b/eads
The various walls, windows and doors that already exist for cheating-control in testing centers already serve as a good mitigating control for social-distancing. My guess is that we will see a few tweaks, but nothing major.
More concerning is keyboards/mice. They do not clean very well. Maybe they need keyboard-sized neuralizers, like we now have for mobile phones.
Like everywhere else, demand upon reopening will be unpredictable. Most all of the 500+ companies for which Person Vue offers testing probably will be balancing a significant backlog against life-safety concerns. The one good thing is that all tests are scheduled so there will not be physical lines -- just a greater need to plan ahead.