The US postal service has filed a patent on a blockchain voting method.
Bruce Schneier has pointed at some of the pieces noting that this is an at best stupid, and at worst dangerous, idea.
Repeat after me: blockchain is not the answer.
This reminds of a podcast I recently listened to called Solvable: Election Security is (mostly) Solvable. Malcolm Gladwell interviews Bruce Schneier and basically said it's a simple process to solve if we stop worrying about trying to make voting private.
Would you be comfortable with others knowing how you voted?
Could it be used against you?
blockchain is not the answer
I can see any type of public voting being used against you, potential for a lot of intimidation and intended and unintended consequences.
@GerryS wrote:blockchain is not the answer
I can see any type of public voting being used against you, potential for a lot of intimidation and intended and unintended consequences.
I can see it used against us as well but to be fair so can social media posts and other various things we post about ourselves online. It will be just another thing we lookup before we decide to interview Candidates lol (I kid of course but you know some hiring managers will want to know before the interview).