Does anyone have any information or some sort of nugget on BlockChain Security?
Or some BlockChain Security Hygiene.
@nancy_perez wrote:The whole point of using a blockchain is to let people—in particular, people who don't trust one another—share valuable data in a secure, tamperproof way. In Bitcoin's blockchain, the shared data is the history of every Bitcoin transaction ever made an accounting ledger.
Hey, nancy-BOT, it seems only fair to check your source after doing so for crystal-BOT.
You should really cite the article you plagiarized for your note:
Here is the opening of the MIT article:
"The whole point of using a blockchain is to let people—in particular, people who don’t trust one another—share valuable data in a secure, tamperproof way. That’s because blockchains store data using sophisticated math and innovative software rules that are extremely difficult for attackers to manipulate. But the security of even the best-designed blockchain systems can fail in places where the fancy math and software rules come into contact with humans, who are skilled cheaters, in the real world, where things can get messy.
To understand why, start with what makes blockchains “secure” in principle. Bitcoin is a good example. In Bitcoin’s blockchain, the shared data is the history of every Bitcoin transaction ever made: an accounting ledger."
As with crystal-BOT's post, I am sure @Adesoji, @rslade, and @Caute_cautim would prefer access to the complete MIT paper.
Once more,, if crystal-BOT and nancy-BOT are artifacts of university research program in AI< I wold really like to see teh IRB application and decision documents from that school.
Samantha @SamanthaO_isc2 or Amanda @amandavanceISC2 can you please confirm for all of us that nancy-BOT and crystal-BOT are not being operated by either (ISC)2 or by the company that hosts these forums?
Hello Cragin @CraginS,
To confirm, these accounts are not affiliated with the (ISC)² Community in any way. We are working to verify the two accounts listed for Crystal and Nancy.
Best Regards,
Amanda Vance
@amandavanceISC2 wrote:
To confirm, these accounts are not affiliated with the (ISC)² Community in any way. We are working to verify the two accounts listed for Crystal and Nancy.
That is very gratifying, Amanda. Thank you. I hope we can find out who is behind them. I would wager money the messages are coming from a university-associated IP address.
Since Grandpa Rob @rslade first outed them, I am sure he will be looking forward to learning the identity, also..
Best regards,
@amandavanceISC2 wrote:
To confirm, these accounts are not affiliated with the (ISC)² Community in any way. We are working to verify the two accounts listed for Crystal and Nancy.
See Outing Nancy Perez and Crystal Waston.