What are your thoughts on the future of AI? AI regulations are decentralized in the United States.
11 Common Ethical Issues in Artificial Intelligence| Technology Solutions | CompTIA
It's interesting that the article says "job displacement" is issue #1. The point of these advanced technologies is to work smarter, not harder... so let's not be surprised when a tool comes along which does just that.
Which leads me to believe that the misuse of the tool is the greatest concern. Companies who do not carefully manage the data which they feed into AI systems will lose control of that data.
I agree!
Great article, I believe well written.
As to concern number one, we as a society have already witnessed the replacement of people in jobs prior to AI. Go to the grocery store lately? How many automated check outs does your store have? Try to find a live cashier for assistance?
These changes did not need AI, they simply needed bar scanners.
Will AI replace some jobs? Yes, but will they be replaced with others is the question. I am saddened when I read 3 of 4 workers are concerned about their employment.
I believe for the foreseeable future (MHOO) that as some jobs are displaced, we will see an uptake in other areas (Security, Legal, Privacy, etc.). This will be necessary to ensure that issues related to (from article)
The article only quotes GDPR and CCPA however there are many laws in regulations in other countries that will also come into play (in Canada, PIPEDA, CPPA, AIDA, etc). I am sure that other countries have similar laws/regulations that will also need to be addressed.
Again, MHOO