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Newcomer I

CISSP Endorsement Time


I passed my CISSP before Thanksgiving, and I am still waiting for my endorsement.  My co-worker took the exam a week after me but was already endorsed.  Our boss endorsed both of us. I was wondering if anyone could look into mine or who I would contact.


Thank you very much.

6 Replies
Community Champion

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Viewer II

Have you gotten feedback yet?


I was a week and a half after Thanksgiving and endorsed a couple of days later without any feedback yet.

Newcomer I



I got mine a couple weeks ago.

Viewer II

Ok. Back to waiting...thanks for the feedback.

Community Manager

Hi everyone!


Certification application review is running at the full 4-6 weeks right now. We had a very small number of staff available during certain days in December, due to holiday time off, etc., so we appreciate your patience as we get caught up on things this month. 


Please keep in mind that your application status won't change during the review - until the review is complete. 

Newcomer I

Kaity, I am so glad that you posted this update. I was starting to get worried that it was just me. I switched federal contractor jobs right after passing my CISSP, and my new employer kept asking for my new credential during onboarding. I had to explain to several people that it was still under endorsement. Luckily, someone within their inner circle explained it to them and they allowed me to start my job with my CISSP pass letter as a placeholder. 


Today is my two-month since the pass mark. I guestimating two more weeks, but your update certainly did help. Thank you.