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CISSP (Retired) now CISSP Member Emeritus

Is there no way so show that you have the "Member Emeritus" status online?  When I look in CREDLY is shows as "EXPIRED",  Many years ago when I retired from active employement I had paid the fees and sent a certificate that said CISSP (Retired) on it.  Have all that have done the same now orphaned by ISC2?  Is there still  logo that can be used for LINKEDIN?  On the Member Dashboard page there is a prompt to pay $135.00 to "Pay your first AMF to start your Membership".  I thought being retired aka Member Emeritus was pay once as I did over 4 years ago when I retired in 2018.


This is the status as shown on CREDLY for me.

This badge was issued to xxxxx xxxxxxx on March 10, 2005

Expired on March 31, 2020

5 Replies
Advocate I

I recently transitioned into emeritus status. I haven't looked at Credly, etc. I'll keep an eye out. I can say it wasn't the smoothest process:

  1. First you have to fill out a PDF form, not any online application, which is a bit awkward considering that anyone who is applying for this status is already a longstanding member. We're already in the system, submitting CPEs etc.
  2. To get that form, you have to email customer service (not download from anywhere), and that was a little awkward as my initial request was met with marketing spiel about what emeritus status is, not the form. Easily addressed with a second email (but it was still an additional step).
  3. The instructions on the form were to fax or postal mail. I did both, actually, and neither seems to have ended up in the right place. Finally, after reaching out to customer service, I was put in touch with someone who asked me to email her the form (then couldn't I have just done that to start?).
  4. You need to either sign the form physically or "digitally," but you can use a self-signed certificate for that digital option. I didn't raise the irony of that, but again, it circles back to the idea that we are all in the system and can authenticate ourselves sufficiently to submit CPEs, pay AMFs, etc. An online form/transaction to request emeritus status would carry far more authenticity and be easier for all.

Now, I will say customer service at the end was great, but those employees could use (and perhaps deserve) a better process to work with and that extends to the issue that you raise.

Contributor I

Raise your query with ISC2 membership support

I am an experienced Information Security Professional with over 25 years of expertise in diverse industries, including Telecom, Banking, Education and Financial Institutions.
I am ISC2 CISSP certified along with other Information Security certifications.
Community Champion

Thanks for the detailed write-up, it did make me chuckle in a few places. Given where ISC2 is focused like a laser at the very start of people’s careers in information security, or even before that it’s not so surprising that there isn’t much focus on this, or that the systems and processes that support it are lacking, gimcrack or even don’t follow some principles around how you might verify an identity.

Asking for snail mail or fax in 2024 is getting pretty close to asking people to “go away please” and kudos for persevering, especially if the fax number provided as well as the address were incorrect(locked filing cabinets, in basement situated disused toilets with “Beware of the leopard” signs spring to mind…)

One thing I think that became clear this year with the AMF’s being raised with little to no notice is that ISC2 is nurturing a sincere money habit(It will be interesting to see the financial report for last year when it comes out), and this in view I do wonder how much CISSP Emeritus/Retired matters to it given that it’s the end of the subscription so to speak? Food for thought in the no experience needed/get me a job/please give generously/Speculative AI driven layoffs/get in early to monetise the person over their whole lifecycle world…

Anyway, happy retirements both I shan’t be too far behind you, though by then it may have changed its name again, and will have adopted new improved subscription model with an option to overpay for elite supporter benifits…
Contributor II

I’m retiring from my job next week.

I’d love to go the CISSP Emeritus route, but it’d cost me 3 years of AMF fees out of my own pocket. We retirees all need to keep our expenses down and I’m so sad that our (ISC)2 board members made the decision to essentially kill the CISSP Retired program seemingly to increase the organization’s profits.

Haven’t we all paid enough to the organization to be able to get a an Emeritus status without breaking our bank accounts?
Newcomer I

Like you I am a retired CISSP. I'm willing to look into what retired members would need to do to be recognized by ISC2.