- Phishing attacks
- Ransomware attacks
- Man-in-the-middle attacks
- DDoS attacks?
I thought the answer to this would be Ransomware attacks and DDoS attacks but this was wrong.
What would be correct answer and why would Ransomware not be considered a right answer?
What is the source of the question? Is this from ISC2 or somewhere else.
I believe the author is splitting hairs (old saying) here.
Both Ransomware and DDoS affect the availability. One by encrypting it and the other by crippling the server. With Ransomware the data is available just not usable. DDoS cripples the server and you cannot access the data. Both effectively make the data unavailable to the user.
If a question from ISC2 then I suggest you send an errata to them.
The correct answer is DDoS attack. Ransomware compromises the integrity of the Data.
Thank you for your explanation!
DDoS attack is the correct answer.
You only need to pick 1 response.
@sezydenoma wrote:DDoS attack is the correct answer.
You only need to pick 1 response.
There may be many "correct" answers, but there is only one "best" answer. You need to pick the one that is best. Or in some cases, one needs to pick the one that is "least wrong".