Greetings Everyone,
I am currently pursing my CC certification and would like to know what study materials everyone is using to be successful, I am considering purchasing the CC exam prep ebook from ICS2 is there any other resources that were helpful
Welcome, I did not think that the eTextbook had a lot in it but at least was not expensive. Thor's materials should be very helpful in passing. Do not get frustrated if something sounds unfamiliar on the exam. Those beta/pre-test questions may be things that never exposed to before. Also remember that it is what I call one and done on questions; you cannot go back; so just answer the best that you can and take your time on each question. Best wishes.
Can you, please, share the link to the recommended books on ISC site? Thanks
Can you share the link to the Udemy course from THor? Thanks
@Mez , it is really easy to find on the ISC2 and should become familiar with their site. I will post it for you, but I typically make people do the research: Please become familiar with their site. People who research are usually the best at studying. Best wishes.