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James is a Security Awareness Advocate for the KnowBe4 Company responsible for amplifying the KnowBe4 messaging related to the importance of, effectiveness of, and the need for new-school security awareness training within organizations through social media, webinars, in-person presentations, industry trade shows and traditional media outlets. Prior to joining KnowBe4, James worked for Siemens for eighteen years where he was responsible for various roles over that time. James was the Product & Solution Security Officer Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy. He consulted and supported various corporate divisions on cybersecurity standards, information security awareness and securing product networks. In addition to his work at Siemens, James is also a part time faculty professor at Valencia College in the Engineering, Computer Programming & Technology Division. Within the Central Florida community, he is the President of the Central Florida (ISC)2 Chapter supporting cybersecurity professionals with meetings, education and networking opportunities. Working with the Center for Cyber Safety and Education, James has taught the Safe & Secure Online education and awareness program to over 7,000 students, parents, teachers and the “life experienced” (seniors) to ensure they understand the dangers of the internet.
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Member Since ‎09-20-2017
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‎02-06-2024 12:31 PM