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Newcomer II

Study Groups

There's been a lot of interest in creating study groups for those working toward an ISC2 certification. The groups would need to operate within the ISC2 requirements.


This post is to solicit ideas for how the study groups might operate. Should they be in person or virtual? Should they be bi-weekly, weekly or monthly? Any other suggestions?

2 Replies
Newcomer III


@RJL01 wrote:

Should they be in person or virtual? 

In person or virtual should be up to the study group of the day.  In any case, until COVID is dealt with properly all in-person meet ups need to be carried out in a COVID safe way anyway.


@RJL01 wrote:

Should they be bi-weekly, weekly or monthly? Any other suggestions?

Bi-weekly, weekly or monthly probably should also be left up to group participants as well based on the timeline to exam each participant has (also any work commitments the study group participants have).


Newcomer III

@RJL01 wrote:

There's been a lot of interest in creating study groups for those working toward an ISC2 certification. The groups would need to operate within the ISC2 requirements.


This post is to solicit ideas for how the study groups might operate. Should they be in person or virtual? Should they be bi-weekly, weekly or monthly? Any other suggestions?

Here's a committee process that's been floating around in my head for administration of study groups.  It's very rough so happy to open up for comments.  Any thoughts?


  1. (ISC)2 WA Chapter advertises to General Members and receives requests for study groups.
  2. Min. 3 - Max. 8 people to a study group - if the demand is at higher than 8, split in to two groups so that study group participants don't have so many people with competing study schedules.
  3. Once a month, or when the min/max has been reached, (ISC)2 WA Chapter will put study group participants together in contact with each other, so that they can start to self organise their own study regiment.
  4. At this point (ISC)2 WA Chapter is no longer an active participant.
  5. If need be the study group can reach out to the wider Chapter (including Committee) to obtain any assistance they need once on their path.
  6. Once the study group has mostly concluded and participants are getting close to taking their exams, Chapter tokenizes any PII held of the participant then archives out any documentation relating to it.
  7. As participants pass their exams, congratulations are in order.
  8. Any statistics that the Chapter is charting for Study groups participants obtaining Certification be tabulated by the appropriate Committee member.