Its annoying, its childish, and the last thing I need is the stupid announcements coming in email that I attained a new badge/received a kudo/whatever. Congratulations for having a freaking conversation... ooooh go me.
I wouldn't even give trophies to all the 4 year olds in micro soccer, they got soccer balls so they could play more.
This, when coupled with the whole attention economy dopamine hack bs that its based on, is not only ridiculous and offensive, it is NOT what ISC2 should be putting out in the wide world (let a lone to its constituency) just for clicks, and garbage metrics to attract more certification payments.
As Brett said, on the forum ISC has chosen to close, welcome to the new MCSE.
I just (12 seconds ago) "achieved" the "500+ Replies Posted" badge.
1) Yes, quite a number of you are correct: this does prove that I'm an annoying loudmouth.
2) I am constantly amazed at the weird categories you can get badges for (although I admit that tallies of posts is a fairly obvious one).
3) I find the "500" number odd and inconsistent. According to what I can see of my own private stats, I have 700 total posts, but only 436 "replies." (Of course, I have a great number of posts that have been "archived," mostly for "controversial political statements.")
4) Does the plus sign indicate that they are giving up after 500, and that I will receive no further "Replies Posted" badges? 🙂
So, you want more kudos? Nice "reverse psychology" ploy for kudos, Dain.
you caught me, you caught the tater....