> Caute_cautim (Community Champion) posted a new topic in Threats on 07-29-2020
> The results are
> surprising, especially when you expect paid services to be far better.
Well, if you expect that, yes. It's been a long time since I expected price to be
any determinant of quality.
Back in the day when I was doing a lot of reviewing of antiviral programs, I very
strongly recommended any program or system that provided or allowed a "free"
version for home or small business use. Partly this was because allowing for a
version that could be widely distributed helped reduce the risk for everyone. (the
"bastion" model of security is a lie. But I digress.) But I also noted that those who
did provide "free" versions were also those with the best and most useful programs.
(I also recall an anecdote from those days: somebody accosted Fridrik Skulason,
maker of F-Prot [which allowed Data Fellows to get its start], and said that he was
charging too little for his excellent program, and that he should charge more.
Skulason shrugged and replied, "I made a millions dollars last year. What more do
I need?")
====================== (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
rslade@gmail.com rmslade@outlook.com rslade@computercrime.org
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you
can't help them, at least don't hurt them. - Gerard Amani
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