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Community Champion

What Is SM2?

Hi All


An interesting cryptography update, have you ever heard of SM2 used by the Chinese government?


NIST was pinpointed as possibly pushing a cipher with an NSA backdoor. For companies in China, the ShāngMì (SM) series of ciphers provide one alternative for TLS 1.3 integration and Wireless authentication. With this SM2 defines public key encryption, SM3 defines a hashing function, and SM4 for encryption. Overall, SM4 was developed by Lü Shuwang in 2007 and became a national standard (GB/T 32907–2016) in 2016.

In normal elliptic curve signing, we use secp256k1 (as used in Bitcoin and Ethereum) and NIST P-256. So what’s the equivalent for Chinese ciphers? Well, SM2 is a public key method that is defined by the Chinese Commercial Cryptography Administration Office.


With due reference to : Professor Bill Buchanan OBE







2 Replies
Newcomer II

SM2 typically refers to the Super Memo 2 algorithm, which is a spaced repetition algorithm used in the field of learning and memory. Let's break it down in simple terms:

Super Memo 2 (SM2):

  1. Spaced Repetition: Imagine you're trying to remember something. Instead of cramming all the information at once, SM2 suggests spacing out your review sessions over time. It's like practicing a little bit each day rather than trying to learn everything in one go.

  2. Algorithm: SM2 is like a smart schedule for reviewing. It figures out when you're likely to forget something and schedules a review session just before you're likely to forget it. This helps you remember things more effectively.

Community Champion

This is another reason we have to be careful with acronyms which fly around:


We have to make sure we are precise and explain it to ensure all readers understand the context.


There is a follow up research paper on SM2:  which is about the SM2 protocol or algorithm used by the Chinese.


See attached paper for explanation.



