Does Shadow IT a positive sign?
What does it mean by the rapid growth of shadow IT ?
I suppose IT departments in organizations are not able to pickup the pace to embrace digitization to support staff and employees. It has become a common phenomena in all types and sizes of organizations.
it's being a commonplace to use opensource and SaaS application at work without ITs approval
somehow they are helping to increase the productivity, but there are risks as well.
fully agree, DevOps makes things so much harder, as well as shadow IT is a symptom of other problems a company. Be it badly implemented change control or general IT management.
For example, I have seen developers launching containers hosting applications such as NextCloud to make their lives easier, introducing new tech and features in an unmanaged fashion, making applications easy to deploy and fast, such as having docker nodes for devs to test on, means there is temptation to implement stuff and services quickly as POC'ss that become mission critical running on test nodes or on servers under desks or in labs, unmanaged and insecure.
I think the crunch of this is! SHADOW IT is a sign of poor Management, everything starts at the top with policy if company policy is not enforced by the managers than it's only a slippery path down to major problems, eventually a security issue. Failure in policy, failure in management and us security people are putting up wall and barriers to this fast productive new wave of IT!