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Community Champion

Scientists create salt-sized sensor to unlock mind secrets wirelessly

Hi All


Scientists have created sub-millimeter sized chips that can be implanted or worn.  These chips communicate like the brain and could transform healthcare by allowing continuous health data monitoring.


So how do we manage Post Quantum Cryptography on these devices or do we regard them as IoMT devices and forget them in the greater scheme of things?






3 Replies
Community Champion

Well, there’s the answer to telepathy…
Community Champion

@Early_Adopter    Well like Elon Musk, how do you know if someone is under the influence of others?


How do you know they have not been hooked up into their subconscious and actively manipulating their thoughts - now lets think - what about a Judge?  





Community Champion

The old neural lace trouser… it’s very fine grained engineering, however if we consider what’s already conceptualised if a chip has an antenna capable of receiving from a given neurone/nueron and making sense of it it’s probably possible to have it fire.

Probably a while before the machine gods get to directly manipulate the meat puppets, however if folk keep spending on it then some things around the area of direct brain I/O will certainly be possible, even if it’s only inducing a seizure (you can already control a thing by thinking up/down blue yellow).

Just think of all the advance interrogation techniques it will make possible.