I'm planning to pursue the SSCP certification, and I'm looking for guidance on the best options and where to find the most up-to-date study materials. I've noticed in some discussions that there seems to be a bit of confusion about the available resources. Could you help me identify the most reliable study materials for end of 2024 beginning of 2025?
Additionally, if anyone else is preparing for the SSCP exam soon and would like to join a study group, please let me know!
A good first source is ISC2 community group. Just click join and you will get updates.
The moderator listed some great advice as I prefer to stick with the ISC2 text materials to avoid scams.
Finally, many social media venues like r/ISC2, r/SSCP, f/ISC2, and f/SSCP, and google groups provide additional communities in which to collaborate with like-minded individuals.
Do keep mindful of the organizational rules in any community in or outside of ISC2 to remain in good ethical standing while connecting.
Just make sure to research links before visiting to avoid viruses and fake sites to pose as ISC2 for money. Tis the Season. Happy Holidays.
Good Luck! I am in the same boat while attending university courses. v/r EL
Parn, hello!
As the author of the Official SSCP Study Guide (2nd and 3d edition), and its companion CBK, let me offer some thoughts.
0. Up front, let me say that I do not have any visibility into the exam-creation process, nor what its questions are going to look like. That said, (ISC)2 asked me to write a study guide that helped people become competent SSCPs... and not just "pass the test."
1. Currency. Yes, we do have a new SSCP exam outline, which when compared to previous outlines (such as what you can find in the 3d Edn Study Guide) shows a shift in emphasis in some areas. If you compare that to the 3d Edn you may notice a few ares on the exam outline that aren't covered in the study guide. Track down current industry-leading publications for insight on any of those issues you don't have good, working knowledge of.
2. The same goes for any areas in the exam outline, or the Study Guide, which you look through and realize that you need to know more.
3. Be very, very thoughtful and careful when looking at industry white papers, such as the case studies or notes that you can find on many systems vendors' home pages. Some are great! Many, however, may present such a biased view (towards their own products or services) that you may not get a balanced understanding of the concepts they are trying to present.
4. Learning about the concepts, and how they work (and what they don't do!) gets you thinking broadly and deeply. We might call this the "education" side of learning how to become an SSCP. The questions in the study guide are written to get you thinking about these issues. The combination of the Study Guide and the Common Book of Knowledge (CBK) can help you with this.
5. Practice tests, sample questions, flashcards, and lots of practice problems help you remember details, and build stronger connections between details, ideas, and situations. There are some excellent practice test guides out there, such as those by Mike Chapple.
6. Pace yourself; take your time. The best way to remember what we learn is to do our learning in short activities, maybe an hour or less; then, take a break and do (and think about) something else. Then come back and do more learning activities. The body's neurochemical networks take that relax-and-revisit cycle as a signal to strengthen connections.
Finally... ask questions! Ask them here in this blog, ask people you work with, ask me, ask other working professionals. And I'd even say "ask the bots!" I had a pleasant conversation the other day with one of the "industrial-strength" LLMs (which I shouldn't endorse here), as I wanted to be more confident in my ideas about how multiple open browser tabs, all with multiple update activities going on (as they download .html and other files from their web servers).... how does what part of my system know which arriving packet belongs to which HTTP or HTTPS connection, and which process or app or what have you to give it to? The bot and I talked about that, and as I asked deeper questions (and asked for references to sources), I learned a lot! (And the bot is awake 24/7... I certainly am not!)
I hope this helps. Happy to keep chatting with you, or anyone else who wants to become an SSCP!
Michael S. Wills, SSCP, CISSP, CAMS
Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist,
Certified Mentor Coach,
Academic Innovation Research (AIR) Associate Fellow,
Assistant Professor,
Applied Information Technologies
College of Business
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide Faculty
Thanks for the transparency. It's disappointing that ISC2 would ask you to write an "official" study guide but not equip you with everything that needs to be covered, resulting in topics that the "official" study guide does not cover. Good to know though.
The SSCP certification is a fantastic way to demonstrate your expertise in security best practices and principles. While practical experience is crucial, SSCP practice questions can help you familiarize yourself with the exam format and reinforce key concepts. If you're looking to advance in cybersecurity, earning this certification can significantly enhance your credibility and career opportunities!