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Newcomer I

Under Review Application

I submitted my CISSP application some time ago, and the status still indicates that it is under review. The message states:
"Your application has been received by ISC2. We will contact you if any additional information is needed, or when the review of your application is complete."

Could you please let me know if there are any updates, additional requirements, or actions needed from my side to expedite the process? The delay is concerning, and I would appreciate your assistance in resolving this matter.


2 Replies
Community Manager

Hello @Mohammedok, thanks for reaching out! Ive relayed this message to the right team 🙂 they should be contacting you shortly. Please keep in mind that due to the holiday season, we are still working with limited staff until next week. Thanks!
Newcomer I

Till now I'm not receiving the CISSP certificate thats not fair