our Chapter ( is currently starting an initiative to engage more volunteers. In the last year, our board and committees used WhatsApp, mail, physical meetings and phone calls to communicate. To reach our community, we use bulk-mail, LinkedIn and our website. Each of these communication channels has its pro's and con's, but for interactive communication for larger groups, we do not (yet) have a channel.
In such situations, a forum might be of great use. Actually: one like this one, as I'm very pleased with it's functionality and look-and-feel, kudos for that! However, it would not be wise to publicly present everthing we discuss, as sometimes we have to deal with confidential or at least sensitive information.
So, a question to the maintainers here: is there an option to create sub-communities using this forum software, which can be administered by our local (chapter) officers such that only a subset of users have access to that sub-community (or even: threads inside that community)?
And if so, is it an option to use this forum, instead of having to set up our own?
We will be adding more boards over time, as there are topics for them. @isc2jade and I are already working on a plan for what we can do to create spaces for leaders to have discussions and support each other.
Stay tuned!
Will do!
BTW: I'm currently processing a list of roughly 50 volunteers that all indicated they want actively support our Chapter and would LOVE to be able to give them access to a closed users group here. So, the sooner - the better
We just added a Chapters board this morning -
We are looking at creating private groups for discussions as well and will share information as we have it!