I've sent an email to membersupport@isc2.org on Tuesday but nobody responded, not even acknowledgment from automated ticketing system or so.
Any hints on resolving this? I get assertion error when trying to pay membership fee with cc.
Any hints welcome,
Yeah, I've been checking periodically because I need to pay my initial fee and I've had the same problem as you OP.
I registered a account on “salesforce”.
During the registration process, enter some information that I am interested in.
After a few days, I received a customer service call, and asking my needs.
I Say...
I Just want pay Maintenance Fee..., but the error message appears again and again...
I don’t know why, I can pay the next day.
I am seeing the same error. Can anything be done to fix it ASAP?
Would appreciate if the any moderator can put a ticket in for me and followup on this.
Certificate/ID Number: 723531Error on Card Payment page
@veryriskyrisk wrote:Hey!
I've sent an email to membersupport@isc2.org on Tuesday but nobody responded, not even acknowledgment from automated ticketing system or so.
Any hints on resolving this? I get assertion error when trying to pay membership fee with cc.
@veryriskyrisk @navzen2000 @chia @Neal1231
@navzen2000 wrote:
@CraginS: I am afraid this solution does not work for me. CISSP is an international certificate, and there needs to be a fully functional online platform to enable folks from different parts of the world apply for membership with ease. For instance am situated in India, ..
I fully understand, the challenge. (ISC)2 does have two offices outside of USA. According to the Contact page at
You can get member support from the offices at
(ISC)² Asia-Pacific
25 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
Unit 807, 8th Floor, Tower 1
The Gateway, Harbour City
Kowloon, Hong Kong
@amandavanceISC2 Can you please confirm that Naveen can send a check or an International Money Order to the Hong Dong Office to pay the AMF?
@CraginS Thank you for your comment. Check payments will need to be sent to HQ in Clearwater at the address below. You may also send via wire transfer.
Attn: Finance
311 Park Place Blvd.
Suite 400
Clearwater, FL 33759
Best Regards,