After adding a CPE, it was marked for audit. I clicked on "respond to audit" and then clicked "respond". I added my notes, had already uploaded proof but when I hit "Save/Continue", nothing happens. No confirmation message that I responded to the audit.
I'm still getting the option to respond to the audit. Is this normal?
@mcnj wrote:After adding a CPE, it was marked for audit. I clicked on "respond to audit" and then clicked "respond". I added my notes, had already uploaded proof but when I hit "Save/Continue", nothing happens. No confirmation message that I responded to the audit.
I'm still getting the option to respond to the audit. Is this normal?
GO to your transcript and see if that event is still mmarked as in audit, or approved. I had exactly the same problem on my CPE page, and responded to the audit, as you did, three times. Finally I looked at the current year transcript and saw that my submission had already been approved. There are several errors in the design of the CPE home page, and this failure to clear audits appears to be one of them. The (ISC)2 staff @amandavanceISC2 and @SamanthaO_isc2 have both acknowledged the major problems with the CPE portal pages in several other threads, and have promised big corrections sometime in 2019.
I just checked, and the bogus audit flag is STILL on my CPE home page, after two months of not being valid.
As long as the item you were audited on shows as approved in your transcript, you should be fine.
Thanks for the reply. Interesting and good to know.
When I click on "View", it lists the CPEs that I've added and I have the option to delete them, this particular one shows as selected for audit. However, when I clicking on Active Transcript, it doesn't mention an audit there and shows me the 1.00 credit
@mcnj Thank you for your inquiry. If you are not sure if the proof was submitted properly, please email with your CPE Audit proof. Once approved, the notice on the homepage will not go away, unfortunately. This is an issue that will be resolved early 2019.
Best Regards,
Amanda Vance