Does anyone have other IT certification along with their CISSP? I was thinking of taking one of the GIAC certifications, but I wanted to get some feedback from the group. I really like monitoring and working with our SIEM. I am leaning towards the GIAC GMON certification. The GIAC exam and training are very expensive.
In addition to the CISSP I hold the following certifications currently:
I previously held, and let lapse:
I keep more technical qualifications current, because the technology changes. I want to actually know something about the things I’m setting policy for (in theory).
Eric B.
Oh back to 'Other IT Certifications':
Current: CISSP, CCSP, Security+,CIPM, CIPP/E, CSM, CPO;
Old: MCSE 2k3 Security and messaging, ITIL, Sidewinder G2 and a load of other vendors certs none of which are as memorable as the Sidewinder.
Next targets: CSSLP, CIPP/US.
I have the SEC + (almost worthless), NEC + (worthless) and the CISSP (I have to say it is the most valuable one of all***********we are being watched***********). I take the CCNA every now and then for fun but it always "times out" after 3 years. I do like working on routers and switches so I may do it again. Find the subject you like and do that cert. If you land a job because of certs, then chances are you will have more fun doing it.
Ah, but Security+ was an elective for the old MCSE, and was a very easy lift, turn up and do. Whereas the MS exam options required you to have a decent amount of knowledge, there were I think seven exams required in all? The old one doesn't time out either - we can look forward to being Security+ certified in 50 years time.
Always play strengths and interests.
*I see what you mean... The CISSP is, of course, Awesome. I'm now two inches taller, can spot phishing attacks through bad actor IP curdling and have mind powers...
I'm taller but I didn't get the mind powers (need a mind for that one)