I just recently attended the Security Congress (2018) in New Orleans and have not seen any of the over 40 CPEs that I am entitled to from my All Access Pass and PreConference classes. Is there something that I'm supposed to do on the CPE portal? The app for the conference says that they will be loaded automatically by 7 days after the conference but I have seen nothing.
Thank you so much.
Has everyone's CPE's automatically posted yet for the Security Congress? Mine have not, so I'm wondering if I should wait or just post them myself.
Hello @triplett,
I've merged your post into a thread on this topic. @amandavanceISC2 mentioned earlier in this thread that the CPEs for Security Congress 2018 will be submitted within the next week.
"A watched head never gets eaten by ants."
The imagery of the Far Side cartoon the partial quote is taken from hasn't aged super well, but the situation is worth a google/chuckle, especially in the context of the head waiting for the ants - there were I think a number of CPE submission operations to undertake so playing on quotations from Dune aside I wouldn't worry about this - it took ISC2 a good long time to revoke my first CISSP when I couldn't be bothered to submit CPEs(there is leeway).
Hello all,
I wanted to confirm that CPEs for attending Security Congress 2018 were submitted last night. If for some reason the CPEs were not applied to your account, please email us at membersupport@isc2.org.
Best Regards,
Amanda Vance
Thank you so much. Sorry for freaking out over them. I am just proud to have this cert and I want to like never lose it.
@societytactic wrote:Thank you so much. Sorry for freaking out over them. I am just proud to have this cert and I want to like never lose it.
Just spend one hour each week listening to online presentations, podcasts, or webinars that meet CBK Type A topics and you will never have to worry about accumulating your 120 CPEs in each three year cycle. Courses, cons, and conferences are just gravy to enjoy!.
Sources of fully appropriate webinars and podcasts include (ISC)2, CSIAC, SANS, Book TV (c=span.org), IEEE Computer Society, FireEye, Verizon, Cisco, and many others.
I did not attend the 2018 Security Congress. But I did listen to an eSymposium a couple weeks ago and have not seen the CPEs. I have been seeing the message below on the ISC2 website for a while. Does this interfere with the automatic posting of CPEs from eSymposiums? It is not an emergency for me, but it would be nice if this was resolved soon.
We are currently working to resolve technical issues that may impact your ability to access/update your account or submit CPEs. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you require immediate assistance, please contact Member Services.
Three different things are going on:
Since one has 90 days after the end of their 3-year cycle to report CPEs
(page 11), it really is hard for these annoyances to reach "emergency" status.
Turns out I did not notice that this was one of those things that required a quiz! Hopefully, the CPEs will post now that I have taken that.
I haven't gotten my CPEs from the 2017 Security Congress (in Austin), not for lack of trying. I've tried multiple on-line submissions, emails and phone calls - no response.