Anyone seen the new member portal dashboard? There's a link to it from the standard member home page, or you can click here:
It also allows you to enable MFA on your account under preferences - I've turned on the Google Authenticator option (others are available).
I saw this advertised on LinkedIn, but hadn't seen it mentioned on on here yet, so thought I'd let you all know about it!
Hi and welcome!
I believe the URL for the digital certificates is the same whether you are accessing the link via the old member home page or though the new dashboard - even if you're using the extra link in the new profile section of the new dashboard.
So I suspect you're suffering from another issue, but it would be interesting to know if it's working when using the old member home page to narrow down if it truly is an issue with the new dashboard?
I've heard of other members having issues with some of the certificates they should be seeing not appearing when they click the link, but blank green pages is a new one!
Thank you for your response, it seems I needed to wait until they become available. I already received my acclaim budget today but need to wait for the digital certificate.
Happy Holidays!!!
Hi @SamanthaO_isc2,
I've been using the new dashboard for a little while now and I'm getting used to it. I just have a minor annoyance to report:
The links to the CPE portal from the new dashboard open the portal in the same window, which is a slight problem as there's no link to get back to the dashboard from within the portal, so you end up needing to hit the back button on your browser a few times to get back to the dashboard after you've finished.
When you access the CPE portal from the old home page it opens in a new tab so you can just close it down afterwards.
Can the links to the CPE portal from the new dashboard be set to open in a new tab, or can a link be added back to the dashboard from within the portal please?
There is a similar issue with the endorsement portal, but at least there is a link back to the old home page on there.
Thank you for sending along this feedback, @AlecTrevelyan. I will pass this along to the team for you.
Keep the feedback and suggestions coming!
Hi @AlecTrevelyan,
Our teams have implemented this change - the CPE Portal should now open in a new window for you.
Thank you again for letting us know about this request. Please do not hesitate to send any other feedback our way.
Thanks @SamanthaO_isc2,
Very fast service!
Just to confirm, when clicking on the CPEs link in the navigation bar it now opens in a new window, but I note clicking on the View Details button(s) in the CPE Status section(s) still opens the CPE portal in the same window - I'll stick to clicking on the CPEs link but thought I'd let you know.
I also note the AMF status has completely gone now - not sure if that's just for me? (I know I was seemingly the only one having issues with the AMF due date being incorrect.)
I logged in this morning and saw the AMF status has now reappeared for me, and now shows the correct annual due date!
Hi @amandavanceISC2 and @SamanthaO_isc2,
Do you know if there have been any issues reported today with the new dashboard?
My dashboard is not loading properly at the moment. I can login ok, can access everything ok, it's just the initial graphical view of my CPE status doesn't load so I can only see the message about the AMF changes. I've tried different browsers and clearing cookies etc.
Is this happening for anyone else?
Hello @AlecTrevelyan ,
I have not heard of any other reports about this; however, I have forwarded your post over to our team to see if they have anything they might be able to add. Are you still experiencing these issues today?