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Missing Rollover CPEs

I should have a bunch of rollover CPEs from fall 2018, but they are missing or not posted yet.  When should I expect to see rollover CPEs added to my profile in the portal?

4 Replies
Community Champion

I had to contact Support to get my rollover CPEs manually credited when my cycle last renewed. I was told at the time it should have happened automatically as soon as the new cycle started, but given the current issues with the CPE portal it seems that's not the case.


"Rollover CPE


For (ISC)² members with cycles renewing/starting on or after 1 January 2015, CPE rollover credits are limited to the number of recommended annual CPEs each year for that credential, and must be earned within the last six months of the three-year certification cycle. For example, a CISSP with a cycle start date on or after 1 January 2015 may only roll over up to 40 Group A CPEs if they were earned within the final 6 months of the previous three-year certification cycle. These rollover CPEs will be eligible to satisfy the annual recommended CPEs for the first year of the next certification cycle. Note that there is no rollover provision for Group B credits."



@ccashmere I'm sorry to hear your CPEs did not rollover into your account. Please email me directly from your primary email on file and include your member ID number and a brief description of the issue and I will be happy to look into your account for you.


Best Regards,

Amanda Vance


How to contact the support team to raise an issue with missing rollover CPEs? I have the same issue with my last term ending just two months ago - I tried to contact - but unfortunately without reaction. Is there a special contact to raise such issues?


@Ralf_T You can send me an email directly and I can assist. 


Best Regards,

Amanda Vance