It states I can claim 30 CPE for the time i took to study for CISSP and claim it under self-taught category.
i've looked up and down in the CPE portal and cannot find it. Can someone help?
@meni0n I apologize for the confusion. Please use the instructions below to submit your CPEs.
Best Regards,
Amanda Vance
In the past we could submit CPEs for other Certs as SELF-STUDY.
With the new CPE Portal I don't seem to find that category nor any other good fit.
Can we still submit CPEs for other certs (in my case CEH)? Which group and category?
Hello @mvcavinato,
I've merged your post into one that asked a similar question. Please see the below answer that @amandavanceISC2 provided:
Please use the instructions below to submit your CPEs.
- Enter begin/end date
- Select 'No' for (ISC)² offered event
- Education (tab)
- 'Online webinars, podcasts, and other online training'
- This is the category we are currently using for 'Self-Study'
Thank you Samantha!