I passed the CISSP exam over a week ago and have yet to receive the official email from ISC2 stating I can continue the endorsement process. I did receive the unofficial pass result from Pearson Vue. Every time I call customer support, I get the support voicemail.
Can a ISC2 member service rep assist me?
@rockclimber Our team is trying to respond to everyone in a timely and fair manner. If you haven’t been contacted already please let me know.
Tony Shiver
Manager, Member Services
Hi Tony - I was finally able to get through to member services on the phone (team member was super nice, forgot her name unfortunately). Was told that it could be 6-8 weeks for the results to come in, which is way different than the unofficial pass email of 2-5 business days. Also really discouraging with all the time spent studying that we have to wait that long for an answer.
I am experiencing the same problem.
I am in the same boat too. I passed on 02/27/2021 and I'm yet to get an email from ISC2
Typically it does take just a few days for (ISC)2 to receive exam results from Pearson Vue. However, there are times when it takes longer. Please refer to https://www.isc2.org/Exams/After-Your-Exam for more information:
Receiving Your Results
(ISC)² conducts a thorough statistical and psychometric analysis of the score data to establish the pass/fail score before releasing scores. We need a minimum number of test takers before this analysis can be completed.
Depending on the volume of test takers for a given test, there may be times when scores are delayed for approximately six to eight weeks to complete this critical process.
We appreciate your patience during this process. Once it's complete, you'll hear from us.
Tony Shiver
Manager, Member Services
am in a similar situation. Provisionally passed on 2/26, yet to get any communication from ISC2.
Sounds good, thanks for the response!