We've rounded up a list of some top security bloggers. Please vote for your favorites at the following link:
You can choose your top 3. If you've got a favorite that's not on the list, you can choose 'other' and add it. But please share any you think we've left off as a reply to this post.
Thank you!
Here are some excellent blogs by women in InfoSec (in no particular order) since they seem to be mostly absent from the survey:
Lesley Carhart - https://tisiphone.net
Shannon Morse - https://snubsie.com/blog
Veronica Valeros - https://www.veronicavaleros.com/blog
Jessy Irwin - https://jessysaurusrex.com
Parisa Tabriz - https://medium.com/@laparisa
Zoë Rose - https://www.zoërose.com/blog
Kim Crawley - https://www.alienvault.com/blogs/author/kim-crawley
Jess Dodson - https://girl-germs.com/?cat=328
Alissa Torres - http://sibertor.com/blog/
Sarah Edwards - https://www.mac4n6.com
Georgia Weidman - https://www.shevirah.com/blog/
These and many other women in InfoSec also use other channels and are definitely worth a follow on Twitter, or have videos on IronGeek from conferences, or write/post somewhere else like a news website.
Thank you!
When do we get to see the results?
Krebs overwhelmingly!