"Selfie deaths have become a major public health problem"
259 deaths from 2011 to 2017, 85% between the ages of 10 and 30.
Herd thinning. It's all about thinning the herd.
All candidates for the Darwin Awards 😉
Will be amusing if this leads to manufacturers having to put warning banners on selfie-sticks... 😛
We really should get a topic or board in here about the Darwin awards ...
But wasn't Darwin's theory about evolution, how does a selfie tally with taking photos of oneself in different dangerous situations? https://www.darwins-theory-of-evolution.com/
Or do you mean Natural selection for herding?
But wasn't Darwin's theory about evolution, how does a selfie tally with taking photos of oneself in different dangerous situations?
@dcontesti and @rslade are referring to the Darwin Awards, which recognize individuals who through their own actions have contributed to human evolution by removing themselves from the gene pool via death or sterilization (ref).
The Darwin Awards were finished mentioned in about 1985 (at least around then) in Usenet groups to refer folks who effectively eliminated themselves from the gene pool by doing "stupid" things. Sorry for the confusion......I guess us old folk should clarify things.