My son works for a major energy supplier here on the East Coast as I have mentioned before. What is being recognized as a need in the Telco's is no different in the energy sector.
As an aside. I have been a fan of DYN for years. Long before Oracle scooped them up. I used them for customers to assure decent and secure DNS services. Get to know them and their services. Here's one example of a great tool of theirs.
@Flyslinger2 wrote:My son works for a major energy supplier here on the East Coast as I have mentioned before. What is being recognized as a need in the Telco's is no different in the energy sector.
Are you talking about DNS hijacking? This was a marketing link for Oracle/DYN and it was extraordinarily vague about what problems the solution was addressing.
Eric B.
There were two links. The first was directed to the need of security for Telco's. All forms not just DNS.
The second was to a dashboard that showed IP trouble-spots internationally.
Everyone has a form of security intelligence: It all depends whether you use it wisely on a regular basis:
No one can solve the current situation, what it needs is collaboration across all sectors, governments, organisations, it is not a problem any single entity can solve.