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Quantum Computers Could Help Hackers Defeat Encryption.

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Here is how to protect your data:

New tools are available in the fight against the formidable power of quantum computers.

Encryption is the secret sauce that keeps private information private as it travels across the internet. Apps like Apple’s iMessage use it to protect the contents of your communication, as do other services.

Many encryption algorithms in use today are based on techniques developed nearly 50 years ago. They’ve served us well, allowing people and businesses to confidently send emails across the globe, shop online, and move company data to the cloud.

But that could change since researchers believe quantum computers capable of breaking today’s encryption could arrive within a decade.

In basic terms, a common form of encryption known as public key encryption relies on digital “keys” created by multiplying two extremely large prime numbers. An attacker would need to calculate the two factors to break the encryption. If the number is big enough, that’s an impossible task for today’s computers. But here’s the rub: quantum computers have unique characteristics that make them better than regular, or classical, computers at doing certain tasks–and one of those is factoring enormous prime numbers.

A number that would take a classical computer millions of years to factor could potentially be factored in “a matter of hours” by a quantum computer, explains Ray Harishankar, the head of IBM’s Quantum Safe initiative.





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