I have been asked to looked at Privelege Access Management for my organization. Any help or thoughts keep me posted.
(ISC)2 ran a Security Briefings webcast that focused on this subject that you can find here - https://www.isc2.org/en/News-and-Events/Webinars/Security-Briefing?commid=225465
Additionally, we ran an E-Symposium on "Getting to Know You - Consumers and The Identities" in August (you can find here) - https://live.blueskybroadcast.com/bsb/client/CL_DEFAULT.asp?Client=411114&PCAT=7540&CAT=10703 (Note: have to be an (ISC)2 member to access).
And we have an upcoming webinar on December 7th on the topic - Privileged Access Management in a DevOps Environment - https://www.isc2.org/en/News-and-Events/Webinars/Security-Briefing?commid=282043
Looking at the topic now. My advice is make sure your processes are really solid or it will only be big hinderance to getting work done. Also for segementation reasons I am leaning towards vendors that can offer me a device to put in my data center.
I think there are a few items that you need to focus on when you are looking at a privilege access management (PAM) solution.
Excellent point about ala cart vendors.