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Community Champion

Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC) update

HI All


Still not convinced your organization needs to implement PQC? Apple and Google are already moving towards it. Apple made its move concerning quantum-safe cryptography by introducing iMessage with PQ3 earlier this year. Google then released a quantum-resistant encapsulation mechanism to protect Chrome TLS traffic. The concern now is that the supply chains, vendors, and others in the tech world will also need to adopt PQC timely. Otherwise, there can and will be compatibility issues. Your business will not want to be one of those businesses who didn’t start preparing soon enough and is left in the dust. Navigate to article 23 to learn more about what’s coming. There are so many other articles of note in this edition that you won’t want to miss so make sure you find a comfortable chair and take it all in in this edition of Crypto News. Until next time readers!

The Crypto News editorial is authored by the co-Chair of the Quantum-Safe Security Working Group (QSS WG) of the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), Mehak Kalsi, MS, CISSP, CISA, CMMC-CCP and it is compiled by Dhananjoy Dey

Disclaimer: The QSS WG does not express an opinion on the validity of the ideas and the claims presented in the articles in this newsletter.


Good reading







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