I think the PANW drop was more to the effect that they were deciding to switch back to a growth in seats/product line platform model vs profitability. Talk of buying business etc means hitting the whole solutions market.
We’re already through the breach/attack looking glass and as regards that from a skills standpoint for professionals, it’s too many Eloi not enough Morlockd, at least from the perspective of employers. From jobseekers I guess it flips and there’s not enough roles willing to train people up, and automation, AI, workflows etc are eating away at old school admins/operators jobs and those are the ones you need to build the Morlock level skills. Even better many employers like to pay their Morlocks like Eloi*.
Anyway let’s hold our attention on those outages.
* there are far more Morlocks now than when this
https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs81n/command.txt was written, however losses in attention spans, the ability to sit down and read a book cover to cover, and critically, assimilate the info are going to have a negative impact, especially in a world where people want quick results. People are still getting smarter but it’s becoming a different type of intelligence.