For some reason, on the Johns Hopkins CoVID-19 dashboard, Canada, as a country, has disappeared. (If you switch to the province/state/dependency mode, the individual provinces with infections still show up.)
This is disturbing, for someone who lives there ...
For those of you planning to come up and visit, by boat, from the Unexplored Southern Area, please note that old retired guys with boats a) are nervous about getting infected, and b) have plenty of time to figure out how to track you ...
Because of the pandemic, and the fact that more people are eating at home (rather than eating out), and the fact that the fast food chains are taking a beating on breakfast (because many people aren't doing the "grab a bite on the commute" thing as much anymore), Kraft is promoting "mac and cheese" (as it is known to USians: to Canadians it is simply KD) for breakfast.
I mean, I'm a Canadian, and we love the stuff, and eat more of it than probably anybody else (in a cold climate you need food with a high fat content), but breakfast?
(Quebec has just increased its "gatherings" limit to 250 people.)
There's this, and then there's this ...
Disaster! The latest pandemic shortage is ...
(I got my major exposure to Dr. Pepper doing a CISSP review seminar in Dallas. The hotel, providing the refreshments, provided stacks of Dr. Pepper. At the time I was somewhat concerned about my consumption of Diet Coke while doing the seminars, so I switched to Dr. Pepper (diet version). Within a day and a half I was seriously hemorrhaging. Haven't touched it since.)
@rslade wrote:Disaster! The latest pandemic shortage is ...
(I got my major exposure to Dr. Pepper doing a CISSP review seminar in Dallas. The hotel, providing the refreshments, provided stacks of Dr. Pepper. At the time I was somewhat concerned about my consumption of Diet Coke while doing the seminars, so I switched to Dr. Pepper (diet version). Within a day and a half I was seriously hemorrhaging. Haven't touched it since.)
Ah, the memories! When we lived in Dallas in the 1970's the Dr. Pepper world headquarters was on Mockingbird Lane just off the North Central Expressway, about a mile from the Southern Methodist University campus. Our first two years in town we lived on the campus.
In the great Coke vs. Pepsi preference war, if a restaurant carries Pepsi but not Coke, my caffeinated fallback is Dr. Pepper.
Emergency food packs for young, single guys.