For some reason, on the Johns Hopkins CoVID-19 dashboard, Canada, as a country, has disappeared. (If you switch to the province/state/dependency mode, the individual provinces with infections still show up.)
This is disturbing, for someone who lives there ...
It's very tempting to be sarcastic and thank all you guys from the western States for all the wildfire smoke, except for the fact that, as bad as it is here, you have it worse.
It's also very tempting to just curl up in bed and try to sleep through it, reducing the need to breathe, and keeping the eyes shut (thus reducing both eye irritation and headaches).
Pandemic, wildfires, killer hornets, and now ...
... zombie hurricanes ...
... and then there's pumpkin spice Kraft Dinner.
Oh, the horror. The horror ...
Now, that's just wrong. Oddly feeling some sort of sympathy for our Canadian counterparts over this.
- b/eads
And in yet another first for 2020, an EF2 firenado ...