For some reason, on the Johns Hopkins CoVID-19 dashboard, Canada, as a country, has disappeared. (If you switch to the province/state/dependency mode, the individual provinces with infections still show up.)
This is disturbing, for someone who lives there ...
If you have ever been on a conference call, you will undoubtedly laugh at this.
(Even though it is six years old ...)
I'm participating in a social/psychological study, mostly on how people are coping with the pandemic. An interim report has been posted:
Given the various anniversaries of events from the wars, early on I noted a lot of memes along the lines of "they had to go and risk their lives to save society, all you have to do is stay home and watch TV." So I was interested to find this poster, apparently from the Spanish Flu:
(Historical note: apparently the "Spanish" flu likely originated in Kansas ...)
(It's a good thing they didn't ask about masks ...)
Sounds like Tom Hanks should run for president, with those approval ratings!
@rslade This looks like a total waste of good time. When they should be upskilling and doing ISC2 free courses or gaining digital badges?